Workers Comp Alternative

Texas is the only state that does not require it’s employers to carry workers’ comp. There are exceptions to this rule though. Employers’ that work with Municipalities, and School Districts are still required to carry workers’ comp.

Texas employers who do not carry workers’ compensation insurance are referred to as Non-subscribers. Even though employers are not required to carry comp. they still have a legal responsibility to their employees to make the workplace safe.

To protect Texas employers from lawsuits and costly medical bills, Texas has alouded employers to purchase Occupational Accident Policies to cover their employees incase of on the job accidents. Occupational Accident Insurance covers workers’ injured on the job, whether they’re hurt on the workplace premises or elsewhere. Most policies also cover work-related illnesses. Occupational Accident policies offer coverage for medical bills that are a result of a on the job injury, disability, and death and dismemberment are also covered in a loss up to policy limits. These policies are geared for the blue collar market where premium savings of 30 to 40% have been realized.  (

Contact Aubrey for further information.